Spatial transcriptomics & Cell-to-cell communication

- Spatial transcriptomics

 + Probes on slide
 + CNV inference from scRNAseq to identify tumor cells
 + H&E staining
 + Integration of spatial and scRNAseq with MIA (hypergeometric test)
 + Parameter sweep
 + MIA maps of PDAC
 + Infammatory fibroblast signal in cancer regions
 + Sub-clustering / sub-regioning
 + Stress response predicted to derive from fibroblasts in cancer regions
 + Spots encompass dozens of cells

 - Cell-to-cell communication

  + Types of cell signaling events
  + Downstream consequences of signaling
  + Goal of Cell-to-cell interaction analysis:

    + What cells are interacting?
    + How are they interacting?
    + What are the consequences of the interactions?

  + CCC in kidney development
  + Kumar et al Cell Reports 2018

    + ID interactions that correlate with tumor growth

  + SingleCellSignalR (Cabello-Aguilar et al 2020)