{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "489d5555-d13c-4e2a-9c16-366fa8dec0f8", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Homework #2\n", "Due 11:59 pm EST, Tuesday March 1st, 2022.\n", "\n", "Email your solutions (both .ipnb and .html files) to: compscbio@gmail.com." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "8bcd1b80-89d8-45c5-a016-50c002af634d", "metadata": { "tags": [] }, "source": [ "### Background:\n", "\n", "You have just joined a new lab that is interested in the mammalian cell cycle. During lab meeting, you mentioned that you are taking a class that purports to teach you how to analyze scRNAseq data, and thereby you unwittingly 'volunteered' to close a project that a departing postdoc left unfinished. The postdoc was trying (1) to determine the extent to which cell cycle is impacted by stage of differentiation, and (2) to identify novel genes associated with cell cycle. To do so, this postdoc sampled mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) undergoing directed differerentation to mesoderm every 24 hours for five days and subjected these cells to scRNAseq via the 10x Genomics system. However, before the data could be analyzed, the postdoc got an offer in the private sector that could not be refused. The PI of the lab knows that you are amazing, and expects you to work some magic in on the data to address the following questions:\n", "\n", "